Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Mom...

Mom, these new blocks you gave me today were pretty cool. The color, the texture, quite fine indeed.

But then, I saw that one giant block (aka pillow) that you place behind me to cushion any minor instances of poor balance on my part. Really, Mom. I don't need padding for my falls (as if!). I'm like a cat and I always land right side up. To prove my point, I will take this large block, lift it OVER my head, set it front of me and chew on it.

I will do all of this with my hands behind my back, while I juggle those four tiny squares you just called blocks.



Love, Lily

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Talented aren't ya little Lily!! Love it! What is it with kids and pillows?? Kinda like remotes!!